Customer's Feedback with Quality Photos

Car: Quadcore™ 10mm high performance plug cable + High Performance Coil on Waja Campro

Car: Quadcore™ 10mm high performance plug cable + Stromberg Power Booster R + NGK Iridium IX spark plugs + High Performance Coil on Satria Neo Campro

Car: Quadcore™ 10mm high performance plug cable + High Performance Coil on Satria Neo Campro

Car: Quadcore™ 10mm high performance plug cable + High Performance Coil on Satria Neo Campro

Car: Quadcore™ 10mm high performance plug cable + Stromberg Power Booster on Satria Neo

Car: Quadcore™ 10mm high performance plug cable on Satria Neo Campro

Car: Quadcore™ 10mm high performance plug cable + NGK Iridium IX spark plugs Satria Neo Campro

Car: Quadcore™ 10mm high performance plug cable + Stromberg Power Booster on Satria Neo Campro

Car: Quadcore™ 10mm high performance plug cable + NGK Iridium IX spark plugs + High Performance Coil on Proton Gen2 Campro
Feedback: supeerrrrr (already test at sunway-semarak circuit)

Car: Quadcore™ 10mm high performance plug cable + LightningAudio® Super Ignition-Earth + High Performance Coil on Proton Gen2 Campro
Feedback: Now my engine is much smoother revving and quite noticeable increment of torque. Very nice. Much recommended products here.

Car: Quadcore™ 10mm high performance plug cable on Proton Gen2 Campro
Feedback: Awaiting...

Car: Quadcore™ 10mm high performance plug cable on Proton Gen2 Campro
Feedback: The Quadcore™ 10mm high performance plug cable response very good. The pick-up improve a lot.

Car: Quadcore™ 10mm high performance plug cable + Stromberg Power Booster + NGK Iridium IX spark plugs + High Performance Coil on Proton Waja Campro
Feedback: Awaiting...

Car: Quadcore™ 10mm high performance plug cable on Proton Gen2 Campro(Evo coil)
Feedback: Awaiting comment.

Car: Quadcore™ 10mm high performance plug cable + LightningAudio Super Ignition Earth + High Performance Coil on Proton Gen2 Campro
Feedback: Now my engine is much smoother revving and quite noticeable increment of torque. Very nice. Much recommended products here.

Car: Quadcore™ 10mm high performance plug cable on Proton Gen2 Campro
Feedback: More powerful!

Car: Quadcore™ 10mm high performance plug cable + NGK Iridium X on Proton Waja Campro
Feedback: Immediately feel the improvement especially accerelation. The gear-change getting smoother than before. Very good products.

Car: Quadcore™ 10mm high performance plug cable on Proton Satria Neo 1.6
Feedback: Awaiting comment.

Comments from online-purchased:-

1. Quadcore™ 10mm HPPC + High Performance Coil on Gen2 Campro - 5za9
What can i say.. This product is one of the best plug cable that deliver full volt to plug. Impressive!!!

2. Quadcore™ 10mm on Gen2 - apitganaz
Install already the Quadcore™ 10.0mm High Performance Plug Cable….Feel different with R3 …..i do recommend to other member change to this plug cable…
my Car feel very smooth and more power than before…..
Before this im using the R3 plug cable but after installed i only get a little bit of power (not to condemn R3 Product)…but after change to Quadcore™ 10mm High Performance Plug Cable i feel different than before….trust me..
Moral - I don’t get any token from RON (GTR) but believe me this is the good product

3. Quadcore™ 10mm on Gen2 - Armanfigo
To members tat planing to upgrade the plug cable i do recommend this Quadcore™ 10.0mm High Performance Plug Cable its value for money & worth every penny.

More info below Compatible vehicle Installation manual Price list Feedback with photos How to buy this