Feedback: Engine start up and warm up faster. Better accerelation and better overall engine performance. Feedback: Awaiting comment... Feedback: Better uphill performance accerelation and engine response. Very good products!
Feedback: Obviously improve on accerelation. Better power and lower fuel consumtion.
Feedback: Immediate improvement. Lower fuel consumption and better power than before.
AE80 Feedback: Immediate improvement. Quicker engine start-up and warm-up. Acceleration is significantly improve. Smooth engine running.
Feedback: Immediate improvement. Quicker engine start-up and warm-up. Acceleration is significantly improve. Smooth engine running.
Feedback: Immediate improvement. Acceleration is significantly improve. Smooth engine running.
Feedback: Purchase Stromberg Power Booster version R with RAM 10.0mm Quadcore™ high performance plug cable, NGK G Power Platinum spark plug and single point Lightning Super Grounding System from Ron. Lighter ram and better engine response. Accerelation is significantly improved. Very good products. More info below Compatible vehicle Installation manual Price list Feedback with photos How to buy this |